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STEM Careers

STEM is a subscription service on Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics for pre-school, primary, secondary and adults. It has interactive games and videos to make it an exciting learning for both adults & children. STEM career is in line with the government’s need to produce more STEM interest in children; info supported as below

Online Certification

Online Certification is a subscription service that focuses on certifying young adults /adults through online learning courses from Malaysian and international renowned universities. Certificates are also available. The method of learning varies, from videos, texts, audio and also live learning. Resources are available.


Upskilling is a subscription service that offers you premium contents on UPSKILLING FOR WORKING PROFESSIONALS. This is important for an individual’s career progression and professional enhancement. The topics here ranges from leadership to technical subjects. There are many beneficial videos, text & audio contents suited to your needs.


Ebooks is a subscription service that allows you to access millions of books online such as novels, journals, magazines, educational transcripts etc. You will be able to access many genres which includes, sci-fiction, fantasy, romance, anime, biographies etc.


Lifestyle is a subscription service related to your hobbies such as cooking, fishing, interior decorating, baking, carpentry etc. You will get a lot of ideas by watching the professionals and get good tips on how to be more skillful at your task.

Latest Courses

Latest Courses is a subscription service related to the newest trends disrupting the world recently such as IoT, Bitcoin, Digital Marketing etc.

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Wide Selection

The Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD)

United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals

best hobby

APAC Mobile Learning &
Advisory Panel

Malaysian Human Resource
Development Blueprint


STEM Careers

Online Certification




Latest Courses

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